“Your job is to act rich, thereby showing perfect faith that you will receive it…” “Why worry? It will probably never happen.” “The object of the game of life is to seek clearly one’s good and obliterate all pictures of evil.” Fear is misdirected energy which must be redirected - or transmuted - into faith.” “Fear must be erased from the consciousness… We must substitute fear with faith, for fear is only inverted faith. … What man images, sooner or later, externalizes in his affairs.” “The imaging faculty plays a leading part in the game of life. Fear is misdirected energy which must be redirected - or transmuted - into faith.” “The object of the game of life is to seek clearly one’s good an A fantastic summary of some essential principles. … What man images, sooner or later, externalizes in his affairs.” “Fear must be erased from the consciousness… We must substitute fear with faith, for fear is only inverted faith. Excerpts : - “The imaging faculty plays a leading part in the game of life. So, I’m taking this book with a grain of salt-and choosing to think a lot of happy thoughts.moreĪ fantastic summary of some essential principles. Regardless of whether you believe in God, that point of view makes people stronger and less fearful of troubled waters. There’s a popular saying that says ‘God only gives us what we can handle’. Believing that you will be successful is a lot healthier than believing you’ll be a failure. One good thing that comes from thinking in the way these books suggest is that it probably makes you a happier person. No one can live an easy life, no matter how much they pray for one. Scovel-Shinn never suggests that a bad event can be for the greater good, which is worrisome. I don’t think you can prevent bad things from happening to you just by having faith, and I don’t think you can have a Mustang GT, in your color of choice, just because you asked for one. I was actually able to finish it, though I’m not entirely sold on the idea of manifestation.

The Game of Life is less simplistic, and relies more on the Christian faith to explain why manifestation works (Scovel-Shinn references a lot of Biblical passages). It felt like a joke, or worse, and infomercial for a cult. People would ask for a pale blue Mustang GT, and because their faith was strong and pure, a pale blue Mustang GT would magically appear in their lives. All it seemed to focus on was material goods, and wealth. I started reading The Secret back when it was on Oprah and I found it so absurd that I barely made it through ten pages. These books claim that the opposite is also true, and can therefore imagine your way to wealth, true love, and happiness. If you constantly worry about being hit by a bus, you will manifest yourself into getting hit by a bus. Both are about how your thoughts and words will manifest themselves in your life. This book came out in the 1920’s, but makes the same claims. I started reading T Remember The Secret? Oprah made a big thing about it a few years ago, and it become an international bestseller. Remember The Secret? Oprah made a big thing about it a few years ago, and it become an international bestseller.